SSD, Drugs and Alcohol

No, SSD, Drugs and Alcohol is not a slogan or a song.

But it is a very important warning.

Social Security rules prohibit drug and alcohol abuse.

Many times Social Security will deny a person benefits even when they have serious health issues, if there is drug or alcohol abuse.

You must stop using street drugs or abusing alcohol if you want to win your Social Security Disability case.

Social Security will recognize your attempts to seek alcohol and drug treatment.

This can be through an individual counselor or a clinical treatment program.

Do not give up if you have a history of drug or alcohol abuse.

Seek treatment and ask for testing so that you can prove you are now clean.

Social Security will recognize medical cannabis if you have a legitimate doctor’s order pursuant to Illinois law.

Remember if you cannot work because of your condition, then you must make sure that you have the strongest possible case to present to Social Security.

Questions about your Social Security Disability? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.