Social Security Disability Tips

Do not wait to strengthen your Social Security Disability case.

Social Security must make two decisions in your case.

First, are you disabled.

Second, if you are disabled when did you become disabled.

Strong evidence will help get the earliest possible disability onset date.

This means more money for you.

Tip number 1: go to the doctor early and often and tell the doctor about how your condition limits you. For example, my legs swell all the time and I need to elevate them on the couch for most of the day.

Tip number 2: get xrays, MRIs, and any tests that will objectively prove your problems. For example, arthritis shows up on xrays. Spine problems may show up on MRIs. EMGs may show nerve problems. Social Security places a lot of value on objective tests that support pain complaints.

Tip number 3: get prescriptions for canes, walkers, braces. Social Security gives more weight to prescriptions because the doctor is acknowledging your need for assistance.

Tip number 4: get a disability placard for parking. The doctor completes these forms if you have problems walking and standing. Many jobs require extensive walking and standing.

Tip number 5: get help with your disability application and appeals. Social Security will look at every answer you give so make sure that you respond properly.

Questions about your Social Security Disability claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.