Big Work Comp Mistakes to Avoid

Make these mistakes and it may blow up your Work Comp case and result in no recovery or a low recovery.

Do not forget to complete a work injury report and get a copy of it.

Remember, you need to prove everything.

Do not wait to go to the doctor because you think it will get better.

Always go the doctor right away. If it does not get better, then you  are ahead of the game.

Tell all the medical people how you were hurt on the job.

The insurance company and the Judge look closely at the medical records and if they do not list a work injury you are in trouble.

Complete all your treatments and tell the medical providers all the problems you are having.

Make sure to get an off work slip each visit.

You must document everything in Work Comp.

Do not let the doctor release you without them detailing all your limitations.

Get help right away for your work injury. Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.