Denied- Why Did Work Comp Do That?

The insurance company may allow some initial treatment, but then notify you that it will not authorize an MRI or will not pay you while you are off work.

Is that legal in the State of Illinois?

It is allowed as long they explain the denial in writing.

There are usually several reasons for the denial of work comp benefits.

The injury did not happen at work. This means that you failed to notify anyone of the injury or you waited too long to tell your employer.

You are not really hurt. This defense is used when you delay in seeing your doctor.

The work accident could not have caused your injury. Translation: one of your hobbies hurt your back, not the lifting at work.

You are healed. The insurance company is tired of paying you and paying your doctor.

To protect your case you must make sure you respond to each insurance company defense.

Make sure to get help from an experienced Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney to avoid or combat these defenses.

Feel free to contact Illinois Work Injury Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371. No feel until you recover benefits.