Why Doesn’t Work Comp Talk to Me?

Insurance companies have thousands of work injury claims going at one time.

Some insurance company adjusters are very good at their job, and some do not care.

Some insurance companies want to ignore you and hope you give up.

If your work injury claim is being ignored, then make sure to contact an Illinois Workers’ Compensation lawyer to get the attention of the insurance company.

It does not cost anything to talk to a Work Comp lawyer. A lawyer is only paid at the end of your case if you recover money.

Eventually the insurance company will have to respond and pay you the money it owes you.

Only an Illinois Work Comp lawyer can get the insurance company to come to court and ask a Judge (Arbitrator) to order the insurance company to pay you.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.