Preparing Your Social Security Disability Case

If you cannot work and need to file for Social Security Disability you must make sure that you have the foundation laid for your case.

First, going to the doctor and explaining your major conditions and limitations is mandatory.

Social Security relies on what is in your medical records.

Your testimony paints the picture, but what is in the medical records is the main part of your case.

An example is “my low back hurts most of the day and it is hard to stand more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time. I have to sit in a recliner with my feet up off and on throughout the day.”

Second, get prescriptions from your medical providers.

For example, do not just use a cane. Ask the doctor for a prescription for the cane. Then you can ask insurance to pay for the cane and it shows the doctor is acknowledging your need for an assistive device.

Third, ask the doctor to explain in writing how severe your symptoms are and how they may impact your daily activities.

Not all doctors will agree to do this. However, it is worth it to ask.

Fourth, get your xrays, MRIs, and testing done so that you have objective proof of your conditions.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.