
You may have heard of the book, Blink. It is about the power of first impressions.

When you have your Social Security Disability hearing, you have two chances at first impressions before the judge. Your job is to make the most of these impressions.

First, your medical records. The judge will have reviewed them before your hearing. Every time you go to the doctor you need to explain all your problems and symptoms clearly and in detail. It will show up in your doctors’ records and follow you to the hearing.

Second, your testimony. When you testify you should focus on your story. What you have to live with every day. The hearing is not the time to appear brave, angry or flippant. You must present the judge with a clear and compelling picture of your disease, pain and limitations.

Please call me to discuss how you can best tell your story to the Social Security judge. Call Dirk May at 309-827-4371. Serving Peoria, Bloomington, Springfield, Champaign and Central Illinois for your Social Security Disability needs.