Access to medical treatment is absolutely critical for your social security disability claim. Everything Social Security does is based on your medical records.
The problem is many people filing for disability have very limited access to medical care. This makes the debates over healthcare at the national level and in the states very important. With Democrats in control in Congress and the presidential election coming up in 2008 there appears to be a good opportunity for change in access to healthcare. In Illinois, the Governor is advocating for greater access to medical care for people without insurance. While it does not appear his proposals will be adopted, the Governor’s involvement raises the visability of the healthcare issue.
In addition, some states are experimenting with different approachs to providing medical access to its citizens. This environment encourages other states to come up with new ideas and can only help the situation.
If you are experiencing problems with access to healthcare, I encourage you to let your elected officials know what is happening to you. Check the links on this blog for contacting members of Congress and State of Illinois officials. This is important so they know what is happening to real people. Lawyers, lobbyists, and interest groups all have their say in this debate. Citizens also need to let their voice be heard.