There is a question whether part-time work is worth it while your social security disability case is pending. The rules allow you to earn up to $900 a month while waiting for your hearing. The problem is that the Social Security judge may rule that you are able to work full time and this means you are not disabled.
I realize that many people must work part-time or they will not be able to live. If you find yourself in this situation and you think you can work and you have job that will accomodate your disability, then you can try it. The law allows for work attempts. Some people cannot come close to the $900 limit because they cannot tolerate the hours required. The best approach is to document your limitations, and why you cannot work full time. For example, you could ask your employer or supervisor to write a letter explaining what breaks it gives you that it does for other full time employees, or that you tried working full time and it did not work out. You might ask your doctor to document your limitations and what recommendations she has for your work limits. Above all, remember you will have to explain why you can work part-time but cannot stretch to work full time.