Depression and other mental health conditions are often very disabling.
Social Security recognizes mental conditions alone, and in combination with physical problems, as grounds for finding someone disabled.
The most important approach for depression and other mental conditions is to see a psychiatrist. A primary care doctor can prescribe anti-depressants and diagnose you with depression. However, Social Security gives more weight to a psychiatrist opinions and records.
Many counties in Illinois have mental health providers that will provide services on a sliding scale. This type of treatment is vital to your Social Security Disability case.
Bloomington, Illinois has very good psychiatrists who can help people who are out of work. Champaign, Peoria, Decatur and Springfield, Illinois also have similar programs.
Should you have any questions about seeing a psychiatrist in your area, or what is needed for your Social Security Disability case please feel free to call Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.