Workers Comp Takes Too Long

No argument there. It takes a long time to go through the entire Workers Compensation process. Why?

The injured worker has to prove everything. You must prove accident. You must prove your medical bills are related to the accident. You must prove that your medical condition is related to your accident. This is the part of most cases that causes delay.

To prove the medical connection you have to have your doctor’s testimony. This often takes weeks and sometimes months to get on the doctor’s schedule for his testimony. The Workers Compensation insurance company also has the right to have the injured worker examined by its own doctor. This often takes time to arrange and then this doctor must testify. This can drag on for some months.

Once the case goes to trial either side can appeal. This extends the case for at least another year.

This explains why Workers Comp takes so long. It also explains why many cases are settled. It is quicker, and  less expensive to the insurance company. But remember settlement is not always the best answer.

Questions? Call Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.