You must appeal if your Social Security Disability is denied at the initial or reconsideration stage.
Many people are denied and do not appeal.
If this happens your case will be over if you do not appeal it. You only have a limited time to appeal.
The only way to get to the hearing stage is to appeal after you are denied.
Once you reach the hearing stage you really need to have an attorney to represent you. An administrative law judge will review your case at the trial and ask you questions.
A lawyer can explain to the judge why your medical conditions limit your activities.
A lawyer can explain to the judge why your conditions meet the Social Security Disability rules and guidelines.
A lawyer can show why the witnesses who will testify that you can perform certain jobs are wrong.
Has your Social Security Disability claim been denied? Need to talk with someone? Call Central Illinois Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.