Social Security Disability and Working

It takes a long time for Social Security to make a decision whether you are disabled so many people want to know if they can work while they are waiting.

It is understandable that you will need to work, but it is a touchy area.

The most you can earn per month is around $900.00 per month gross. The amount changes each year.

The problem is that many Judges will treat your part-time work as meaning that you are able to work full time, and that you are not disabled.

If you work part-time you should keep track of any accommodations your work makes for you, or absences you have because of your illness.

It is not easy to wait and wait for Social Security to make their decision about your disability. However, if the Judge thinks you can work a job and make more than $900 a month then you are not disabled.

Questions about working part-time and your Social Security case? Please call me, Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.