What is the Most Important thing to Know about Social Security Disability?

Social Security Disability and getting approved is all about medical records.

You cannot get approved for disability unless you go to the doctor and get treatment for your problems.

I know this is a dilemma for some people. If you do not have medical insurance how you can treatment?

Some people can get a Public Aid card. Some people have access to free medical clinic. Some people can get mental health treatment through low cost clinics.

You may need to pay your own money to see a doctor. Remember this may provide the information you need to win your Social Security Disability case.

When you go to the doctor you need to explain all the problems you have so you can receive treatment.

Do not say that you are coming to the doctor because you need disability.

Do not say that your lawyer sent you.

When these statements appear in the medical records Judges often misunderstand them.

The real reason you are going to the doctor is to receive help for your condition.

Questions about where to get medical treatment in Central Illinois? Feel free to call me, Attorney Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.