The issue of working while waiting for your Social Security Disability hearing is very difficult.
Everyone has to live and the wait is too long, but each judge has a different perspective on whether the part time job you are doing could translate into full time work.
There is no bright line, or case that guides the judges and says you cannot take into part-time work into account when deciding whether a person is disabled.
The other problem is that you do not know who your judge will be until it is too late. A Social Security Attorney who is familiar with the judges in your area can usually tell you how they will react to part-time work. However, you cannot change ALJs.
The other part of the puzzle is the type of job you work. If you work a heavy lifting job, then you will most likely be denied. If you work around people, and complain of depression and fear of being around others then it does not fit the pattern of your complaints.
I realize this does not provide crystal clear guidance, but you must think very carefully before you attempt to work part-time while waiting for your Social Security Disability hearing.