How Long Does A Social Security Hearing Last?

Some people are surprised at how short their Social Security Disability hearing lasts.

Maybe from watching TV you expect an all day trial with a jury and a parade of witnesses. Not so! There is only the judge, and no jury. The only other people in the room is a vocational expert, and someone recording the hearing.

The typical hearing lasts from 45 minutes to 1 hour. I know, you have waited for over one year to get to the hearing and it is over in less than one hour.

The reality is that Social Security has so many disability applications that if it took any longer for the hearing you would be waiting 3 years.

There are also limited witnesses. There is barely time for you to tell what is going on with your condition. Let alone to have more than a witness or two to testify.

I usually use letters from witnesses to support the claimant. This gives you plenty of time to testify, and the judge does not feel rushed.

Do you have questions about what will happen in your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call me and talk about your case. Ask for Dirk.