Social Security Disability and Unemployment Compensation

Some judges will deny your Social Security Disability claim if you receive Unemployment Compensation for an extended period while you are seeking Social Security Disability payments.

I do not agree with this, but they do it because when you accept Unemployment Compensation you are telling the government that you are ready, willing and able to work full time.

This is a real problem because if you are able to work then you cannot be found disabled for Social Security purposes.

This is also a problem because what are you going to do if you have to wait for 12 to 24 months for your Social Security and you have no income.

Your first priority is to survive. So you may have to take the unemployment and worry about the consequences later.

I have seen several cases where the Judge grants Social Security Disability benefits but reduces back benefits. That is a much better result than not getting benefits at all.

If you are awarded Social Security Disability benefits you will have to repay Unemployment at least some of the money.

Questions about Social Security Disability and working? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.