Do not let anyone tell you that it is easy to win any type of Social Security Disability case.
There is all kinds of misinformation out there.
Such as all you have to do is be a drunk and drug addict to get disability.
Or just pretend to be in a lot of pain and you can get approved.
No, you must have the medical records to back up your testimony.
Or just go to a psychiatrist and you can get Social Security Disability.
Not exactly.
But you can win a Mental Health disability case.
It is not easy.
Essentially you must prove that you are unable to do any type of work due to your mental illness. I will not go into the exceptions to this statement in this blog, however, there are some cases were you may be able to work some unskilled work and still get disability.
Proving the case will require consistent treatment with a Psychiatrist.
You will have to prove that your medications do not help you control your symptoms to the point you can function at a full time job.
Hospitalizations are important. This includes number and length.
Treatment such as electric shock therapy is important.
The bottom line is that depression controlled with medications will probably not be sufficient to win a Social Security Disability case.
Depression that results in several hospitalizations a year, or in keeping you in bed several days a month will present a strong case.
Questions about your Social Security case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.