In Illinois, we are still waiting to see how the changes in the new law will affect the value of Workers’ Compensation cases and settlements.
Two recent cases from an Arbitrator are encouraging for injured workers.
One case involved a ruptured biceps, a serious arm injury.
The insurance company hired a doctor to write an AMA guideline opinion. The doctor came back with an assessment of 6 percent of the arm or 4 percent man as whole.
The injured worker was released without any restrictions.
He performed a labor intensive job: welding.
The Arbitrator awarded him 30 percent of the arm.
This is probably slightly under what he would have received under the old law.
The second case involved a fracture to the hand that resulted in some damage to the little finger.
The AMA guideline showed 1 percent of the hand.
The Arbitrator awarded the injured worker 10 percent of the hand.
This was another favorable decision for the injured worker.
These decisions are not final.
The insurance company will most likely appeal them.
This is the interesting part because if they are appealed, then the Commission will provide their interpretation of the case value.
At this point the outlook is guarded yet looking up.
Stay tuned for the Commission decision.
Questions about the value of your Workers’ Compensation case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.