Social Security Disability and Arthritis

You may be found disabled as a result of arthritis.

Once again it is based on the results of the arthritis, not just the fact that you have arthritis.

As one of the Social Security Judges in my region says, when you are a younger person to get disability you must prove you cannot do any kind of job on a regular basis.

This is a tough standard because there are some sedentary jobs that do not take much effort or mental focus.

With arthritis you will have to prove it with testing such as xrays and possibly lab tests.

It may be helpful to have to doctor describe the extent to which your hands are limited.

If your need a cane or walker the doctor should prescribe it for you.

Usually you will not be able to get a Functional Capacity Evaluation that describes your limitations. However, if you have one this can used.

If you can show your arthritis limits your standing and walking, and it makes it difficult to use your hands for holding and gripping items then you may be able to prove there are no jobs available for you.

The reason is that many sit down jobs require you use to your hands frequently.

Questions about your Social Security Disability claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.