Work Comp Holiday Tips

I wish I could serve you up some old fashioned holiday cheer, but reality is often hard and cold.

So here are some truthful tips about the state of Workers’ Compensation cases in Illinois.

Workers’ Compensation cases are going down in value.

Part politics, part change in the law.

Work Comp arbitrators and Commissioners are feeling the pressure to reduce awards.

What are some ways to change the trend?

Take a note card with you when you visit the doctor. Make sure it includes how you were injured, what body parts were hurt, and how you are limited as a result of your condition. Give it to your doctor so you make sure it shows up in the medical records.

Take note of how your daily activities and chores are restricted due to your injury.

Be ready for questions at your trial.

How were you hurt?

What did you injure?

Did you go to the doctor right away?

Did you keep treating with your doctor till your condition was healed?

Were you able to return to work in the same job you had before your injury?

What are the permanent problems you have as a result of your work injury?

Make sure all your bills are submitted to the insurance company and have been paid or denied.

Questions about your work injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.