It is not always the most complicated solution that wins the day.
However, in Social Security Disability cases there is one thing to remember: It is always unpredictable.
You can find people who you would not think are disabled, yet Social Security says they are.
You can also find people who you would swear are disabled, yet Social Security disagrees.
What is going on?
There are multiple decision makers at Social Security.
When you apply, there are people who review your paperwork and medical records in your state and approve your claim or deny your claim.
If you appeal a denial, then another group of people review your file.
If you are denied at this level and appeal, then a Social Security Judge will have you testify and make a decision on your case.
You may appeal the Judge’s decision to what is called the Appeals Council.
You get the idea.
There are a large number of decision makers. Many people who can say no, but you only need one of the decision makers to say yes.
The most important thing to remember is that if give up after someone says no, then you will never get approved.
It is natural to get frustrated and want to give up, but keep appealing and moving forward.
Questions about your Social Security Disability claim? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.