What if Work Comp Says No?

I had another person call me this week because the Workers’ Compensation insurance company told him that they did not have to pay a settlement for their injury.

The reason was that a hernia was not a permanent injury.

This is not correct.

You are entitled to a settlement for most injuries.

Maybe not for a bruise or an ankle sprain that resolves without treatment.

But Illinois Workers’ Compensation law provides that you are entitled to permanent partial disability payments for an injury that is related your work and has some type of long term effect.

Another insurance company tactic is to ignore the settlement offer.

In other words they pay for the medical bills and time off work, but they neglect to may a settlement offer.

The insurance company is hoping that you will not ask for a settlement.

This saves them money.

Multiplied by hundreds of cases this adds up to big money.

You need to keep your eyes on the settlement offer. Otherwise you will become part of the insurance company savings plan.

If you are not getting an offer, then you need to contact a Workers’ Compensation lawyer and start working on getting an offer from the insurance company adjuster.

Questions about your Work Comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.