Social Security is considered a insurance program.
This means that you pay into it over your lifetime and it is supposed to be there for you when you reach retirement age or become disabled or die.
So Social Security Disability is based on what you have paid into it from your taxes. It is not a welfare program.
There is currently much controversy about Social Security Disability and Social Security.
Some people are concerned that too many people are being found disabled and that Social Security will go bankrupt.
This has created the impression that some Administration Law Judges are becoming overly conservative in their decisions and denying more and more people.
What this means for you when you are applying for disability is that you must be very careful and make sure that you are doing everything you can to make your case as strong as possible.
This means you must go the doctor as much as you need to, and you must explain your major problems in detail to the doctors.
I know it is hard at times to be able to get medical treatment but you absolutely must get treatment. Even if it means borrowing money to get the treatment.
Look at it this way: if you win your Social Security Disability case you will be able to collect a monthly check for the rest of your life and you will be entitled to Medicare. This is certainly worth spending money today to get the treatment you need for you and your disability case.
Questions about how to make your Social Security Disability case as strong as possible? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.