There a number of choices in who you can have represent you in your Social Security Disability case.
You can represent your self.
You can use a law firm who advertises nationally.
These firms are usually in California or New York.
Or you can use a firm who employs representatives who are not lawyers.
There is really no reason to use someone who is not a lawyer.
The fee is the same whether you use a lawyer or representative so you might as well use an experienced Social Security Disability lawyer.
The problem with large firms from New York or California is that their lawyers have little contact with hearing offices in Illinois.
They do not know the judges or what the judges expect.
They also do not know many of the doctors you treat with.
The advantages of local Social Security Disability lawyer is that they see the same judges frequently.
The local lawyer understands what they look for in proving a disability case.
The local lawyer understands why the judges ask certain questions.
The local attorney also knows the vocational experts and how they answer questions crucial to your case.
Your local attorney is also more available to you than some lawyer on the east or west coast.
Questions about your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.