Watch out for insurance companies that say you are not covered because your injury could have happened to any member of the public and you were not doing anything work related that increased your risk.
An example of this is you twist your knee and injure it while getting out of your car in the parking lot at work.
The facts of the case are very important in Workers’ Compensation cases.
If you injure your knee because of a defect in the parking lot, then you should be entitled to Workers’ Compensation.
If you injure your knee while your hands are full of medical supplies for work and you are bringing them in from your car, then you are entitled to compensation.
If you injure your knee while hurrying to a meeting, then you should recover.
If you are traveling for your job and twist your knee while getting out of car in a client’s parking lot, then you should win your case.
If you injure your knee while getting out of the car and cannot explain why it happened, then you may have a problem winning your case.
Do not let an insurance company make up the law.
You should find out how the Workers’ Compensation Law applies to the facts of your case.
Questions about your Work injury? Feel free to call Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.