It is not fun being injured at work, trying to recover and worrying about the future.
You also need to know how to deal with an unusual law and what to do if you cannot fully recover.
In Illinois the Workers’ Compensation law changed for injuries after August 31, 2011.
The value of these injuries and the resulting settlements are not really clear.
One of the best things you can do to protect yourself and potentially improve the settlement value of your case is to make sure you consistently go to the doctor.
This protects you from allegations that you have reached your maximum medical improvement and that any more treatment is unrelated to your work injury.
The other thing you should do is tell the doctor about all your problems and limitations.
For instance, my leg continues to swell after the surgery and I have to elevate it with a pillow on the couch for 15 minutes three times a day.
This is important because it will show up in the medical records and reinforce your credibility when you testify at trial.
It also shows that you have some type of permanent problem that is related to your work injury.
What you tell your doctor is very important to your case.
Questions about your work comp injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.