Social Security Disability and Your Hearing

Once you reach the Social Security Disability hearing stage, the decision maker is the Administrative Law Judge.

The Judge determines the credibility of the witness (that is you).

Credibility is basically whether you are believable.

In most cases your truthfulness or credibility will be a major part of whether or not you win your case.

Here are some of the things that the Administrative Law Judge will look at in determining whether you are believable.

Your past work history can be very helpful to you.

Have you worked full time for a good number of years?

This shows that you valued work and worked as long as you could.

Your medical records can support your credibility.

Do they detail your complaints of pain and attempts at treatment?

Do your medical records show that you have ongoing and long standing limitations?

Your testimony at your Social Security Disability hearing is a major part of your credibility.

Does what you are telling the judge make sense?

If you are overly dramatic or exaggerate, then you are not helping yourself.

For instance, your testimony may be that you are able to do some types of things around the house, but you probably need to take rest breaks while doing your chores.

For instance, your testimony may be that it is likely can do some work for a short period, but not for the length of time and at the productivity levels necessary to work a full time job.

Questions about your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.