Social Security Disability- Is It Worth the Wait?

It can take a long time to find out if you are eligible for Social Security Disability.

From start to finish (from application to a hearing before an Administrative Law Judge) it can take up to 20 months in Illinois.

Some cases take less time such as 4 to 5 months, but this does not happen very often.

If you cannot work, then you have no choice but to apply and go through the long process and prove that you are disabled so that you can get your monthly payments.

Your only other choice is to get a job.

If you can work full time, then you are not eligible for disability.

If you can work only part-time, then you can still be eligible for Social Security Disability (part-time work is making less than $1,000 a month gross).

The wait is terrible because you are in poor health and the stress of being without a job and income is great.

I am glad to help people from start to finish in the Social Security Disability process. This includes filing the application online, completing questions from Social Security, getting you ready for the Social Security Doctors’ appointments, preparing you for the hearing, and going to the hearing with you.

Applying for disability is not something you should do alone.

There are too many pitfalls.

All attorney fees depend on whether or not you win.

If you do not win you owe nothing.

If you win you only have to pay 25 percent of the back benefits you win with a cap of $6,000.

A lifetime of benefits for this small amount is worth it.

Questions about your disability? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.