Social Security Disability- Tip

A quick tip to help with your Social Security Disability case.

Make sure that you tell your doctor about your major problems and how they restrict your daily activities.

It may be things like “My hands ache all the time. I cannot use my fingers to type or put away the dishes for more than 5 minutes.” Or “my legs are killing me. They go numb and swell when I walk or stand more than 10 minutes. I need to elevate them 4 times a day for 20 minutes each time.”

Ask your doctor to put this information in her records. It has to show up so Social Security can review it in deciding your case.

Social Security puts a lot of weight on what shows in the records.

Whatever you do, make sure that you do not tell your doctor that you are doing fine if in fact you are having problems. I have seen records in which patients do not tell the doctor the true extent of their problems. This does not help you get the medical treatment you need and it will certainly damage your Social Security Disability case.

Need more tips to help your case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.