Why is the Workers’ Compensation insurance company making you such a low offer to settle your case?
What do you expect.
They are in the business of paying out as little as possible.
The value of the offer is based on your wage a year before the injury, the type of injury you have, the treatment you receive and your permanent limitations.
Once the Work Comp insurance makes you an offer you should ask for more money.
If they refuse, then you have a choice to seek an attorney.
Remember an attorney is only paid if you recover more money than the written offer from the insurance company.
You will need some leverage to get them the increase the offer.
A Work Comp lawyer will be able to explain to the insurance company why your claim is worth more money.
The insurance company also understands that if they have to hire a lawyer it will cost them more money to complete the claim.
Once you have an attorney there is always the threat of trial.
Insurance companies do not like the possibility of going to trial because it will cost them much more money to defend the case, and there is the potential that medical may be available to you in the future.
Do not give up after the initial offer.
Questions about your Work Comp claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.