vocational expert

What do you do when the judge turns to the vocational expert and gives him the hypothetical question?

The reason the judge is asking the question is to find out if you can do your past work or any other work. If you can then you will be found not disabled.

You need to listen carefully to the type of limitations the judge provides to the vocational expert. If you have a limitation that he does not list or that is in your medical records you need to ask the expert about the effect the limitation would have on your past work.

The vocational expert will often be asked to provide examples of jobs you could perform based on your limitations. Once again, listen carefully for the types of jobs listed. If you do not understand the job duties ask for details. Listen for the exertional level, such as sedentary or light. Ask what makes the particular job sedentary or light.

If you have pain problems or medication side effects ask what level of concentration and productivity are required for the job. If you need to change positions often, ask if the jobs have a sit/stand option.

Remember, this is a crucial part of the hearing. If the judge finds you can do your past work, you lose. If the judge finds you can some other job, with limited exceptions, you lose.

Questions? Call me. I would be glad to talk about the specifics of your case.