Are You Disabled?

Social Security Disability is based on whether the Judge (ALJ) thinks you are able to work any job-if you are under 50 years of age.

It is not about whether you can do some job you have done before.

Social Security does not have to actually find you a job.

There do not have to be any job openings in your area.

It can be a minimum wage job. No matter what you earned in the past.

You will have to show that cannot do a simple sit down job- such as a order taker or surveillance system monitor.

Usually this means you must prove overwhelming pain related to an objective medical condition, along with side effects from medications.

Or proof that your condition permanently keeps you from lifting 10 pounds or over, or your walking, standing and sitting is extremely limited.

Some mental conditions can also keep you from performing even the simplest jobs.

More questions about what it means to be disabled according to Social Security? Call Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.