How Do You Apply for Social Security Disability?

You do have to make an application for Social Security Disability.

It used to be that you would go to the local Social Security office and sit down with a worker and go through an application that they would file for you.

The local offices really discourage this approach.

It takes up a lot of their time and the local office hours have been reduced.

They want you to apply online through the Social Security website.

The website is confusing and time consuming.

The application asks for the following type of information:

Your social security number.

Any names you have used.

Your marriage status and information, including dates and place of marriage, dates and place of divorce.

Minor children’s names.

Date last worked.

Medications you take and who prescribes it and why it is prescribed.

Names, telephone numbers, and addresses of your doctors and hospitals. First time and last time you saw your doctor and went to the hospital.

What conditions that keep you from working.

A history of your work for the last 15 years.

Descriptions of your work, including time spent walking, standing and sitting and amounts lifted on the job.

Whether you want to apply for SSI.

The application is time consuming and you want to get it right because it can have a major impact on your disability determination.

That is why I try to meet with each of my clients and help them fill out the application online.

Questions about filing for disability? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.