Mental illness is a basis for Social Security finding that you are disabled.
It is usually in combination with physical problems, however, you may be found disabled based on a mental condition only.
The following treatment is usually needed to support your mental disability case:
Treatment with a psychiatrist. This is often helpful because they specialize in mental disorders.
Going for counseling sessions. This may show the frequency and intensity of your symptoms.
Medications. The need for medications may show the severity of your condition. The side effects of your medications may also reduce your concentration.
Electroconvulsive therapy. In very serious cases this treatment may be used in attempt to deal with depression with psychotic features.
Hospitalizations. Being placed in mental wards for extended periods due to threats to self or others, or episodes of decompensation.
You do not necessarily have to have all the above treatment to win your case.
However, a combination of some of the above types of treatment will be needed to show that you do not have the ability to remain productive to the extent necessary to work a job in the national economy, or that will cause you to miss work consistently.
Questions about your Social Security Disability case and mental illness? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.