If the Social Security Disability Judge thinks you can work, then you in most cases you are not disabled (when you are over 50 years old different rules apply).
What kind of work counts to Social Security? Any type of work counts. Even if you can only work a minimum wage job, this will disqualify you. Social Security does not require a liveable wage. Currently, gross wages over $970.00 per month is considered substantial gainful employment.
Social Security also does not require the jobs to be located in your home town. If the jobs are located in Illinois that is good enough. As a practical matter this is ridiculous, but that is the law.
Social Security does not care what the unemployment rate is in your area. The only thing they look at is whether you have the ability to perform the job.
As you can see it is pretty difficult to overcome this standard.
That is why it is important to know what kind of questions to ask the vocational expert.
Questions about this? Call me, Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May, at 309-827-4371.