Social Security Denials and You

What is up with all the Social Security denials?

It is really not unusual to be denied by the Social Security Administration for your disability application. The key is to keep trying.

Someone in Springfield, Illinois sits in their office and reviews your records, and denies your claim.

If you accept the denial and do not appeal you will have to start over again.

If you appeal, your file will be sent back to Springfield, Illinois for someone else to review it. Everyone has a different view so they may approve you.

If you are denied again, you must appeal again so an Administrative Law Judge will listen to your testimony and review your medical records. Many times the Judge will have a different view from Springfield and approve your Social Security Disability claim.

Even if you are denied by the Administrative Law Judge you can reapply for disability benefits. Once again I have seen many clients approved when they reapply.

You cannot give up.

Call me to represent you in your Social Security Disability case in Bloomington, Peoria, Pontiac, Springfield, Champaign or Decatur, Illinois.