What About Facebook and My Disability and Work Comp Case?

These days there is social media all over the place.

It is fine to be on Facebook, twitter, youtube and beyond. But you need to be aware that once you are injured at work or are seeking Social Security Disability then all these social media are fair game and may impact your case.

For years Workers’ Compensation insurance companies have used private investigators that follow injured workers and take surveillance videos that may prevent recovery or reduce the amount of the award or settlement.

Now you can really damage your case if you post pictures, videos, or statements that show you are performing questionable activities or acts that are beyond your restrictions.

You must be truthful when seeking relief from the Federal government or in Court and reveal the your Facebook pages, twitter accounts and video postings if they exist.

Remember that insurance companies and administrative agencies may misinterpret what you put out in the public domain through social media and use these things to argue that you are not disabled or seriously injured.

Disability cases, personal injury cases and workers’ compensation cases are complicated legal proceedings so make sure that you seek an experienced lawyer to help you protect your interests.

Seek a free consultation with Illinois Social Security Disability and injury attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.