Be Aware of New Social Security Disability Rules

I believe recent rule changes for Social Security Disability hearings make it more difficult for people who do not have a lawyer.

The rules provide that all evidence must be submitted 5 business days before the hearing or the Judge may exclude it.

There are some exceptions, however you must submit a letter before the 5 business days explaining why you do not have the records requested.

It really is a trap for the unwary and is especially burdensome for the unrepresented.

I do this type of work all the time and is difficult to keep up with the records and notify Social Security regarding status of the records.

People who are not represented through a lawyer have to make sure that they get all the records and submit them more than 5 business days before the hearing takes place.

Most people do not understand the rules, or how to get their records, or what is important to SSA.

You do not have to pay a lawyer upfront to represent you in a Social Security Disability case.

The attorney is only paid if you win the case; the fee is limited to 20 percent of the back benefits and capped.

There is no reason to go into these complicated cases against the government unrepresented.

If you are truly disabled, why lose a case only because you were not able to get important medical records.

Questions about the Social Security Disability process? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.