Important Work Comp Tip

Work Comp insurance companies want to deny your work injury claim because it will save them a lot of money.

One of their tricks is to argue that the medical records do not contain details of how you were injured at work.

Make sure that you tell all your doctors, nurses and hospital personnel right away that you were injured on the job and how it happened.

It will help get paid for being off work, pay your medical bills and get your settlement money at the end of the case.

Questions about your work comp case? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Talking with Your Doctor about Your Work Injury

In Illinois if you have permanent restrictions the value of your settlement may increase.

Make sure to ask your doctor to describe your permanent limitations or restrictions in the medical records.

This may range from curtailed hours of work, lifting limits, restrictions with handling or fingering, or reduced standing or walking.

Reminding your doctor about your restrictions never hurts and it may increase the amount of money you will receive.

Questions about your Illinois Work Injury? Feel free to contact Illinois Workers’ Compensation Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.