Mother loses appeal of lawsuit in son's death.
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Shows how difficult it is to win a lawsuit against a public entity such as a school.
Mother loses appeal of lawsuit in son's death.
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Shows how difficult it is to win a lawsuit against a public entity such as a school. | Service-related injuries outside of combat take their toll on veterans.
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In addition to VA benefits those who are severely injured may file for Social Security disability benefits.
Compassionate Allowances program expedites disability decisions – Las Cruces Sun-News.
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Still not very many conditions are covered through the compassionate allowance program. This results in long waits for most people while Social Security examines their cases.
Did state know about abuse of disabled man found dead in Belleville? | Top Stories | News Democrat.
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Disgusting. Hard to believe they missed this one.
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Sad story, but you cannot argue that the Federal Judge is correct in his sentence of 2 years for a State Judge gone bad.