Social Security Disability and Arthritis

Arthritis can be a devastating disease.

It can certainly result in a finding of Social Security Disability.

However, just because you have the diagnosis of arthritis does not guarantee that you will be found disabled.

Social Security Disability judges look at the limitations your condition causes in making their decision.

For instance, is your arthritis in your feet and knees and does it make it hard to stand and walk more than 2 hours out of an 8 hour day?

Does your arthritis in your shoulders and elbows make it hard to reach at all levels more than one-third of the day?

Does your arthritis in your hands and fingers make it hard to manipulate and grip items more than one-third of the day?

Will your doctor support these type of limitations?

All of these kind of limitations are very important to your disability case.

Use of your hands and arms is crucial to almost all types of occupations.

If you are limited in these areas, then you will have a hard time performing any job.

And Social Security Disability Judges focus on whether you have the ability to work a job.

Objective proof of your arthritis is important. This includes Xrays and blood tests.

Questions about arthritis and your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Still having Disability Hearings

The government shut down has not stopped Social Security Disability hearings.

The Judges will hear your case, but there are no attorneys available to write up the decisions.

There is also no staff available to prepare the cases for hearing.

This means if the shut down goes on for an extended time that it may result in a problem for future disability hearings and it may delay decisions being issued.

Why Did I Lose My Social Security Disability Case?

Is it your fault that your lost your disability case?

Not necessarily.

But if you do not go to the doctor often enough you are not helping yourself.

But if you do not tell your doctor about your problems and how they limit you, then you are not helping yourself.

But if you do not get all your medical records for the hearing, then you are not helping yourself.

But if you do not understand what the standards are for determining disability, then you are not helping yourself.

But if you do not understand why the Judge is asking questions, then you are not helping yourself.

But if you do not understand why the vocational expert is answering questions, then you are not helping yourself.

You may not be disabled according the the Social Security rules and law, but it is very important that you give yourself a fighting chance when you go before the Administrative Law Judge.

You can represent yourself before the Judge, but I would not recommend it.

Why take the chance of not understanding what is going on in your case and at the hearing.

A Social Security Disability Lawyer only costs you if you win.

You are not really saving yourself money by doing it yourself, and you may be costing yourself a whole lot.

Questions about what is going on with your disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.