Highest Value Workers’ Compensation Cases- Shoulders

Last week we discussed back injuries.

Another area of large settlements in Illinois Workers’ Compensation cases involve shoulder injuries.

One reason is that the law values the shoulder as part of the person as a whole worth a total of 500 weeks.

Once again this is the largest amount of total weeks for body parts.

The shoulder is vital to being able to work, of course, because it impacts activities such as reaching, lifting, handling and fingering.

Many shoulder injuries result in surgery.

Surgeries increase the value of your case.

Shoulders are often difficult to repair and difficult to return to pre-injury status.

Permanent limitations in lifting, reaching, handling and fingering will also increase the value of your settlement.

Questions about your work injury and the value of your case? Feel free to contact Illinois Work Comp Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Merry Christmas

No question we live in a broken world.

The beauty of Christmas is the promise of light and healing eventually.

Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear…Isaiah 58:8

Have a blessed and meaningful Christmas!

Sexual Harassment Claims Difficult to Track


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Shows the troubles large organizations have in keeping track of sexual harassment claims. This is not a defense. The company or organization must take reasonable steps to prevent and stop harassment. They may be subject to civil lawsuits seeking civil damages.