Little good news in Quinn budget; details lacking on pensions, Medicaid – Springfield, IL – The State Journal-Register

Little good news in Quinn budget; details lacking on pensions, Medicaid – Springfield, IL – The State Journal-Register.

Medicaid is already hurting. The ability to get medical treatment is very difficult as it is. If it gets worse more people will suffer, and more people will be denied Social Security Disability because of lack of medical treatment.

The Latest on Social Security Judges

Recently a Social Security Disability Judge asked me during a hearing whether I had submitted all the medical records in my client’s case, including favorable and unfavorable records.

That has never happened to me in a Social Security Disability hearing.

I believe it stems from recent publicity about a nationally known law firm who would deliberately withhold records that they thought would damage their clients’ case.

What it means is that more Administrative Law Judges may start asking questions about whether any records are being withheld.

You cannot hide records from the Judge.

If she finds out that you did not provide the records your case is dead.

The lawyer may be in a lot of trouble also.

The best way to deal with bad news in the medical records is to confront it head on, and develop a plan with your attorney to be able to testify in a way that shines the best light possible on the problem.

Need help with your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.