Click above to read. This article is true. Your Social Security benefits are protected from creditors. This includes disability benefits. However, you must keep the money separate from your other assets.
Supplemental Security Income
Social Security Disability Denials Up?
I promise that I am not trying to stir up hysteria.
But I have heard others speculating that denials of Social Security Disability claims have increased.
It is probably too early to tell if this is true.
For those who seek reasons that denials may have be on rise, you can look to several issues.
The economy is in the tank.
The government has badly over spent.
Social Security is projected to be in a world of hurt.
Congress is focused on fraud and abuse.
These factors would point to a Social Security Administration that is sensitive to any accusations of mismanagement and paying out claims that are not “justified”.
Administrative Law Judges do not work in a world free of pressure and politics.
All this creates an atmosphere of paranoia and suspicion.
If you have a claim pending, now is the time to make sure you work hard to show the Judge that you truly cannot work.
Work closely with your lawyer to cover all the bases, and get ready for Social Security Hearing.
Questions about your Social Security case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.
Social Security Backlogs
Look for Social Security Disability backlogs to get worse.
The budget is going to be cut and more workers are being shuffled out of front line case preparation.
As Specialists Debate Autism, Some Parents Watch Closely –
As Specialists Debate Autism, Some Parents Watch Closely –
Click above to read. This will have an impact on Children’s SSI cases.
Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review: Important Research From Medicare Demonstration Projects: Almost Nothing Works
Cost reducing programs tested in Medicare demonstration projects not helping. This is a scary thought. Medical costs keep increasing and Social Security is running out of money. No wonder the Judges are under pressure to deny more Disability cases.