Sex, Drugs, Alcohol and Social Security Disability

First of all, Social Security Disability has no interest in your sex life. So no need to go there. They are interested in how your limitations affect your ability to work.

Drugs and alcohol are a different matter.

If you have alcohol problems or use street drugs, then the Social Security Judge will deny your case.

It used to be that you could be found disabled based on alcoholism or drug addiction.

Social Security changed this approach years ago.

You can still be found disabled based on the consequences of drug or alcohol use.

For instance, serious liver damage or dementia.

If you have drug or alcohol problems and are seeking Social Security Disability you must get treatment. This can be from a facility, counselor, or through Alcoholics Anonymous.

Questions about your Disability claim? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Your Doctor

Your doctor can be very helpful to your Social Disability Case.

Some doctors are reluctant to become involved in Social Security Disability cases because they do not understand the process.

They do not necessarily have to become an advocate in your case.

They do not even have to write a supporting letter for you.

If you remember to tell your doctor about your limitations each time you go for a visit, it can be very helpful.

For instance, telling your doctor that your back pain is constant and feels better when you elevate your feet to waist height a couple hours a day may find its way into the medical records after you tell her several times.

Telling your doctor about that your pain medications cause drowsiness and loss of concentration is also important.

Or that your hands and fingers experience numbness and tingling most of the day.

Limitations are the name of the game in Social Security Disability.

Remember to tell your doctor.

Questions about your Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.