Social Security Disability Doctors

Who are the doctors Social Security sends you for your disability case?

In Illinois, at least, they seem to be properly qualified.

However, they certainly are not specialists for each case.

They perform a quick exam and write a report listing your problems and results for Social Security.

Social Security uses the exam as a basis for your Residual Functional Capacity evaluation. This is your ability to perform certain activities.

For instance, how much can you lift, how long can you walk and stand, how long can you sit, any limitations on handling and reaching.

Administrative Law Judges often use this information, at least in part, as a basis for their disability decision.

That is why it is important to go to your own doctor often and explain all your problems.

If you do not do this you may be stuck with the opinion of the disability doctor who saw you for 10 minutes.

Questions about your disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

New Social Security Ruling About Appeals

Social Security has issued a new rule regarding appeals in early August 2011.

You must choose between appealing an unfavorable Administrative Law Judge disability denial to the Appeals Council, or filing a new application.

Before you could both appeal and reapply at the same time.

I would advise most people to do both. This kept your shot at back benefits alive, and started your new application as soon as possible.

Now you must decide what gives you the best chance at winning.

It is pretty difficult to win outright at the Appeals Council level, so you may want to skip it and reapply.

A new application usually gets reviewed faster because the case has been worked up for trial.

However, you must make sure that your date of last insurance allows you to file a new application.

This ruling makes an already complicated area of the law, Social Security Disability, even more complicated.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.