Why Did My Neighbor Get Social Security Disability?

That person who just got approved for Social Security Disability sure does not look disabled.

Looks can be deceiving.

Social Security rules are complicated.

Decisions are based on the following:

*Work History
*Transferable Skills
*Functional Capabilities

The most important factor is what is contained in the medical records.

No one sees what is in the records but the Social Security Judge.

The Judge does not base his decision on how you look.

The Judge decides based on what the doctor says about your conditions.

Remember, Social Security is a complicated law and looks can be deceiving.

Questions about your Social Security Case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Why Does the Social Security Thing Take So Long?

Does it really take 12 to 16 months to get my Social Security Disability hearing?

In Peoria, Bloomington, Pontiac, Springfield, and Champaign, Illinois it does.

There are several levels before the hearing level.

It takes a couple months for Social Security to review your initial application.

It also takes a couple months for Social Security to review your application at the second level.

This is because there are thousands of people applying for Social Security Disability, and only a limited number of people to review the medical records.

At the hearing level, it takes about 12 months to get before the judge.

Once again, there are thousands of people waiting for a hearing and only a limited number of judges.

For example, in Peoria, Illinois there are approximately 7 judges and some support staff getting all the cases ready for hearing.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Are Social Security Disability Decisions Political?

Does Social Security reject disability cases because they are afraid of the system running out of money?

There is much discussion about the future of the Social Security trust fund and when it will run out of money.

Officially, there is no movement to make stricter decisions due to economics or politics.

Most Social Security Administrative Law Judges look at the medical records, the person’s limitations, and work and educational background when making their decision.

They apply the law and regulations to the individual’s situation.

This is what they are supposed to do.

However, there are a few judges who make it their mission to reject most claims. Their approval rates hover around 10 percent to 40 percent.

The typical approval rate is 60 percent.

Questions about Social Security Disability? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.