What Do I Look for in a Social Security Disability Lawyer?

Some ideas to think about when you choose a Social Security Disability lawyer:

  • Do they have time for me? Or am I one of thousands of cases;
  • Do they return my telephone calls;
  • Is it their case, or my case? Will they take my views into account when preparing my case?
  • Will the lawyer explain what is happening in plain english;
  • Am I a person to the lawyer, or just another number;
  • Promises and advertisements are easy. Follow through and delivery is hard work.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371

Children’s Social Security Disability Cases

Children’s Social Security Disability Cases are also called Children’s SSI cases.

If your family makes to much money, the child’s case can be denied even if they qualify medically.

Children usually do not work, of course, so Social Security looks at ability to function in a different way than it does adults.

Social Security examines 3 areas of physical limitations and 3 areas of emotional or mental functioning.

Social Security compares the child’s ability to function to his or her peers. However, just because a child is in Special Education does not mean they are disabled according to Social Security.

You must show severe limitations in performing school work or functioning socially, or severe limitations in physical health or taking care of oneself.

If medications help control the child’s condition, then the child is not necessarily disabled.

The child will need consistent medical care to prove a SSI case. This can be from a medical doctor, counselor, or a psychiatrist or a psychologist.

Questions about Children’s SSI? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Should I Use A Lawyer for My Social Security Disability Case?

Will it help if I use a lawyer for my Social Security Disability case?

It sure won’t hurt you.

Let’s look at the cost benefit analysis.

You only pay a lawyer if you win your Social Security case.

You only pay a fee of 25 percent of your back benefits or $6,000 whichever is the lower amount.

You never pay a fee on your monthly disability check. It is 100 percent your money.

Your Social Security Disability benefits can amount to over $200,000 during your lifetime.

An experienced Social Security Disability lawyer knows what you need to win your case.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Disability lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Jobs

Do not be confused when the Vocational Expert testifies about jobs you could potentially perform.

Social Security does not care if you can really find such a job.

Social Security only cares about whether you could actually do the job.

Social Security does not care if the job only pays minimum wage.

Their rules only require that you be able to perform a job; the amount the job pays does not make a difference to Social Security.

Social Security will not find a job for you.

Your ability to perform work tasks are what is key. Such as concentrating, lifting, standing, walking, sitting and using your hands.

Questions about your Social Security Disability case? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Disability Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.