Children’s SSI and Disability

To be eligible for Children’s SSI, you must meet both the financial and medical guidelines.

If you make too much money or own to much you will not be able to get SSI for your child. That is why Social Security asks you questions about your income and assets.

If you meet the financial guidelines, then you must qualify medically.

In Children’s SSI cases, Social Security looks at 6 different areas. 3 areas deal with physical limitations and 3 areas deal with mental limitations.

You must prove your child is markedly limited in 2 areas, or extremely limited in 1 area.

Examples are a child who is emotionally disturbed to the point that he must stay at a residential facility. Or a child who has severe asthma with documented breathing tests. There are countless other conditions that may qualify a child for SSI.

The point is that the child must show that she is limited beyond the typical child. For instance, just because a child has an IEP with special education services will not automatically qualify her for SSI.

Questions about your child and SSI? Feel free to call Bloomington, Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security and Medical Treatment

No matter what your problem is keeping you from working, such as a back condition or depression, you will need medical treatment to win your Social Security Disability case. The Social Security Judge looks at your medical records to support the claims you make about your illness and limitations.

It is often difficult to get care, but it is the essence of a Social Security Disability case.

You must weigh the cost of medical care versus a life time of Social Security benefits.

Even bad health insurance will get you some treatment to show your ongoing limitations and problems.

If you have no health insurance, then you must try to get a medical card from the State of Illinois.

Some communities in Illinois have free health clinics or low pay health clinics.

Some hospitals or clinics will provide charity care.

Whatever kind of care is available you must search for it. It will often make the difference between winning and losing your Social Security Disability case.

Questions about Social Security Disability and winning your case? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Social Security Disability and Unemployment Compensation

Some judges will deny your Social Security Disability claim if you receive Unemployment Compensation for an extended period while you are seeking Social Security Disability payments.

I do not agree with this, but they do it because when you accept Unemployment Compensation you are telling the government that you are ready, willing and able to work full time.

This is a real problem because if you are able to work then you cannot be found disabled for Social Security purposes.

This is also a problem because what are you going to do if you have to wait for 12 to 24 months for your Social Security and you have no income.

Your first priority is to survive. So you may have to take the unemployment and worry about the consequences later.

I have seen several cases where the Judge grants Social Security Disability benefits but reduces back benefits. That is a much better result than not getting benefits at all.

If you are awarded Social Security Disability benefits you will have to repay Unemployment at least some of the money.

Questions about Social Security Disability and working? Feel free to contact Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.

Why Did Social Security Deny You?

When you receive the Social Security Disability denial notice in the mail what does it mean?

Most Social Security Disability denials explain the reasons at the end of the notice.

It will say something like you can return to your old job, or you can still perform light work.

These reasons mean something to the Social Security Administration.

The first test in Social Security Disability is whether you can do your old job. If you can return to your old job, then you are not disabled.

The second test is what jobs are available if you cannot perform your old work.

If you are under 50 years of age and you can do any kind of work on a full time basis, then you are not disabled.

When you are 50 years of age and older the standards become less strict.

Questions about your Social Security Disability denial? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Lawyer Dirk May at 3090-827-4371.

Social Security Disability Back Problems

Last time I discussed Social Security listings in general, this week I will go through an example of a back listing.

Remember, you do not have to meet a listing to be found disabled. However, if you do meet a listing, then you will automatically be found disabled.

Back problems are listed under disorders of the spine.

These include herniated nucleus pulposus, spinal arachnoditis, spinal stenosis, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease, facet arthritis, or vertebral fracture resulting in compromise of a nerve root or spinal cord with inability to walk effectively, or a need to change positions often, or motor loss and limited range of motion.

These conditions must be documented with medical imaging studies and medical exams and testing.

Questions about back problems and Social Security Disability? Feel free to call Illinois Social Security Attorney Dirk May at 309-827-4371.